Tag Archive | Halloween kids trick or treat


This is the first year that you actually grasp the concept of Halloween and know what trick-or-treating is all about. Since the beginning of the month I’ve been trying to get you excited about it so I downloaded the whole Nick Jr collection of Halloween episodes including Dora, The Backyardigans, Yo Gabba Gabba, Ni Hao Kai Lan, etc. on my phone. I’ve also been excited about finding you a costume that you’d like, so every time we saw a costume that I thought was cool or cute, I bought it! It started when I saw a Fufa and Plex (Yo Gabba Gabba) costume on sale for only $5.99! Seeing you so excited was such a thrill…you insisted I put the Fufa costume on you right out of the store though. You love dressing up!


About a week later, we ran into the cutest lil pink princess dress with shoes that were fancy with heels & everything. I bought that one for you too and you couldn’t wait, so of course wore that one out the store as well…then I found a cute Snow White costume that was irresistible that we just had to have.


…and finally we bought you another pretty princess dress with longer sleeves in case it was too cold to wear the others. That’s a total of 5 costumes to choose from and you wore them all in rotation throughout the month. They each received a few washes because as soon as you went through them you wanted to wear them all again.

Trick or treating was a blast! You lead the pack, running from one house to the next! You couldn’t wait to get to the the next door yelling “trick-or-treat” the whole time, it made me so happy to see you really enjoying this. The best part is you had your cousin Xaria to spend it with and I …uh I mean you can’t wait till next year! Haha I think I might be a teensy bit more excited about it than you 🙂


Prior to Halloween we also have started a few traditions that I expect to do each year with you. We went to the pumpkin patch where you rode every single ride, pet some cute baby goats, picked out a miniature pumpkin and slid down a super humongous inflatable slide


And then a week later we carved pumpkins…Snow white seemed fitting since she is your favorite Disney princess!
