
Pumpkin patch and Elsa Pumpkin Carving

So this weekend I took you to the pumpkin patch, a week later than I wanted however last week you were on your worst behavior, not listening and being super whiny! So I decided to not reward you for that behavior and it worked well…you were so amazing all week.
What I didn’t realize though was that you were really too grown this year for the pumpkin patch! You were too tall to get on most of the rides and the ones you were able to get on, didn’t seem to thrill you very much. I’m guessing next year we will go to a real pumpkin patch with a maze and hay rides! I hesitated to take you there this year because I thought that might not be as fun for you at this age.
On Sunday your little friend Taina and my friend Sandy came over to carve pumpkins, and I guess you are too young for pumpkin carving! You girls and Geovani (Taina’s brother) helped gut the pumpkins but quickly lost interest when it came down to the carving part. Sandy and I got stuck doing that part while you girls were upstairs playing in the room. It was a nice evening though, spending time with friends and having dinner. I love the holidays and hope you do too! Experiencing them with you makes me feel like I’m a kid again. I love that you are getting older and into new things! It’s hard to keep track of what stage you are at and what will be age appropriate for you. I’m learning though! Parking lot pumpkin patches no more, and we can hold off on pumpkin carving for a few years!!! Next year maybe we will PAINT and decorate our pumpkin instead ok! Love you sweet little love! Thank you for a fun weekend!<!–more-




