
Age 5 and losing TEETH!



About 2 weeks ago you discovered your first loose tooth!!! From what daddy told me, you were
shocked, scared and cried because she didn’t want to lose her teeth. I was at work and Kurtis and Vivi were at home with her, Vivi told me that Emy was nervous and didn’t want to look funny without her teeth. She was also nervous to tell me about it because she thought I would be upset. I have no idea why she would think this! lol…When I got home I had a little chat with her and told her this was a great thing! It means she is growing up and will soon get her nice new permanent teeth, I also told her that we all went through it as kids! It’s totally normal!! She seemed to finally be ok with it was excited to get something from the tooth fairy…however most of us were excited for the money that the tooth fairy brought while this little munchkin was dying to get a gold chocolate coin like Peppa Pig did! 🙂 haha…well I told her that gold chocolate coins were hard to come by and the money that the tooth fairy leaves can be used to by whatever she wants. Well her tooth ended up falling out on Friday the 11th while I was at work. Vanessa and Vivi were there with her when it happened because we were getting ready to go to Rosarito after I got off of work at 1:00 for Emilio’s birthday weekend. They told me that she was taking selfies and it just suddenly fell out. 1470201_414598535345290_6934604339276877877_nIt didn’t bleed and she didn’t cry. Instead she was proud and excited to tell me and her dad! Unfortunately with all the excitement of being in Rosarito and going out that night with Emilio, we lost track of where she put her tooth and whether she actually remembered to put it under her pillow that we weren’t able to leave her money under her pillow. She woke up that following morning excited to look under her pillow to find her tooth again 😦 FAIL! I told her that the tooth fairy must have been confused and didn’t know where to look but to make sure she leaves it there again that night. Thankfully the tooth fairy got it right this time 🙂 Emy woke up so happy to see all her dollars!

This summer has been a month full of big life events! Big Emilio graduated from High School last month CONGRATS TO HIM! So awesome to see him accomplish such a big goal and it seemed pretty effortless on his part to make it with a 4.0 gpa! We are so proud!



Also this month he turned 18 which we celebrated in Rosarito. He wanted this so bad for his birthday, a weekend of partying and clubbing! 🙂 We were definitely having a hard time keeping up with him but it was a fun weekend of celebrating his major accomplishments! Wow we have an adult son now…that came way too fast! I love having him for a stepson…he is a great big brother to Emy! He is so patient with her and she LOVES him! The best thing is when we go somewhere and Emy thinks of her brother and makes sure to get him some of whatever she gets for herself whether it be a cliff bar or ice cream or cookies! She never leaves him out! They are good to each other.