Archive | September 2014

First day of Kindergarten

So you’re officially my big girl! No more stay at home baby, this little girl is officially a part of the school system until graduation 2027!
The weekend before school was a 3-day holiday weekend because of Labor Day and I requested the extra day so that I can be there to take you to school and pick you up! Unfortunately I did not plan to get super sick with a cold that weekend. I wasn’t able to go with you to do your back to school clothes shopping which I was really bummed about, but you and daddy did surprisingly well! You bought some really cute outfits, I don’t think I could have done a better job! I was so proud of your choices, you always have been a little fashionista!
I forced myself to feel ok enough to get you ready for school and take you with daddy, I was completely light headed and weak from being sick but there was no way I was missing this. We got to your school and took some pictures in front of your class then went inside to help you settle in. You were so excited to be there and meet new friends. Made me think of my first day of school which was very different from this. I was so scared because I was really attached to my mom. I couldn’t handle the thought of being all alone away from familiar faces! I’m so glad you weren’t that way because I would have probably been an emotional mess leaving you there. It turned out to be an exciting moment for all of us, so thank you for that. It was pretty awesome to see you sitting there in your class eager to learn and meet new friends. I realized that you were going to be more than just ok.
Going home to an empty house with daddy was really strange. I couldn’t remember the last time we had the house all to ourselves like that during daytime hours. Emilio had his first day at SDSU… it was a day of firsts for all of us.
Picking you up from school was the best part of the day. Seeing the excitement in your face from having the most amazing first day was great. You couldn’t wait for the next day to come already. You told us all about your day and how your teacher read a book about a gingerbread man who had run away. You and your class were going to look for him the next day. You also told me that you made some new friends although you couldn’t remember any of their names as usual!!! It’s ok babe! I am horrible with names too 🙂

In preparation for your first day of school, we gave you a pretty awesome haircut :


You specifically asked for an Elsa backpack for school, since they were all sold out everywhere, I had to buy it online for double the price it would have been at the store..if that isn’t love, I don’t know what is! ❤ 🙂IMG_7451.JPG


This was the outfit you chose for your first day…


