Archive | June 2012

My Big Girl

My lil big 3 year old. Wow only 3 months since your 3rd birthday and I’m amazed how much you have developed in such a short period of time! Full sentences and a huge personality!!!! Lately you’ve been saying “butt naked” after everything we say or ask you haha…Daddy has been saying this after every sentence to annoy us and of course your little sponge brain just soaked it up. So now here I am…”Emy put on your shoes…” your reply “butt naked!” It’s so much funnier when you say it over daddy though! Don’t tell him I said that! 🙂

I’m just amazed at how much you say now and how we can carry on full conversations…last night was such a sweet moment for us. Being that we have taken in the cutest little abandoned kitten which we named Lion-O, you have had a tough time learning to be gentle and nice to him. You’re naturally rough and swing him around like a rag doll, so last night I finally took some time to sit with you and show you the proper way to handle the kitty. I showed you that being rough with the kitty makes him cry “meow”, what we want is to be nice and pet the kitty until he purrs. I grabbed your hand and showed you how softly you should be petting him, right away Lion-O started purring. You seemed so proud of yourself. I explained to you that Lion-O was just a sweet baby that needs a lot of love and protection. He needs to feel safe with you and not afraid, I also explained that you should be the kitty’s friend and be nice and considerate of his feelings. After a long explanation and feeling so proud of putting the sweet kitty to sleep, you looked up at me and said, “That was a great story mom!”…talk about sweet unforgettable moments.
Lately I’ve dealt with a lot of stressful things but it’s times like this that just put such good feelings back into my heart and make me realize that this is what I’m living for, just these memorable moments that I will carry with me till I’m old and gray!

