Archive | September 2011

All the cute lil things

So you dialed me up today while I was at work and just started mumbling away and then I heard a sweet “I love you mommy” and then an “Ok bye” and you hung up. You called me back 2 or 3 more times…haha I can’t even complain, it really made my day! Lately you’ve been great. A little whiny at times but much better then your past tantrums. We had a nice long 4 day weekend because of labor day, I got 4 days to hang out with you my little love. Daddy and I cleaned up the house and organized a little area for all your toys to be accessible on shelves and a toy box. Hopefully this will help relieve some of your boredom and make you less irritable throughout the day. Looks like you really like it, you have all your purses hanging on little hooks along with your sunglasses and jewelry. Your stuffed animals and learning toys are all laid out on the shelves and the smaller toys are in the toy box. You have all you rides on wheels (strollers, bikes, etc) parked right under the shelves, so it definitely makes the living room look nicer. You’re a much happier kid, and we are for sure happy parents right now…it pays to do nice things for your kids sometimes 🙂
